The Essentiel Mission
When I set out to create an ideal moisturizer and brand I believe in, I did so passionately and with every ounce of my Sicilian soul.
Essentiel celebrates an inclusive beauty that appreciates all parts of a person, every age, nationality, size and gender. Our product is meant to benefit all skin types and tones, enhancing the unique beauty that is both individual and universal.
The best kind of beauty radiates from within, but taking care of our bodies is also important business, and doesn’t have to be difficult.
There’s a lot more to life than our outward appearance, yet looking good and feeling good often go hand in hand. I used to view pampering my physical body as superficial, and now I know there’s something sacred to self-care.
It took many years and lotion-incarnations to find the perfect formula for healthy skin and I’m excited to share it with you. I hope it helps you feel and look more beautiful!